1. Information Technology Tools and Network Basics
👉Fundamentals of IT
👉Computer Hardware & Software
👉Operating System Basics
👉Networking Concepts & Internet Basics
2. Windows and MS Office
👉Windows Operating System
👉Microsoft Word (Documentation)
👉Microsoft Excel (Spreadsheets)
👉Microsoft PowerPoint (Presentations)
3. Object Oriented Programming With C++
👉Basics of C++ Programming
👉Classes and Objects
👉Inheritance & Polymorphism
👉File Handling in C++
4. Database Concepts and Introduction to SQL
👉Fundamentals of Databases
👉SQL Commands (DDL, DML, DCL)
👉Normalization & ER Model
👉Transactions and Indexing
5. Communication Skills & Personality Development
👉Verbal & Non-verbal Communication
👉Public Speaking & Presentation Skills
👉Leadership & Teamwork
👉Resume Writing & Interview Preparation
Semester II
1. Introduction to Internet & Web Technology
👉Basics of Internet & Web Browsers
👉HTML, CSS & JavaScript
👉Web Hosting & Domain Names
👉Introduction to Web Development
2. Programming and Problem Solving through Python
👉Basics of Python Programming
👉Data Structures in Python
👉Functions and Modules
👉File Handling and Exception Handling
3. Data Structure through C++
👉Arrays, Linked Lists, Stacks, and Queues
👉Trees and Graphs
👉Searching & Sorting Algorithms
👉Dynamic Memory Allocation
4. Information Security Management
👉Cyber Security Fundamentals
👉Cryptography & Network Security
👉Ethical Hacking & Threat Analysis